Introduction to Balor and the Fomorians

In the time before time, when the world was young and the boundaries between realms were fluid and uncharted, there existed beings of immense power and dark majesty. These were the Fomorians, an ancient clan of malevolent supernatural entities, each one more monstrous and formidable than the last. They were born from the primal chaos, emerging from the depths of the earth and the abyssal seas, where light struggled to penetrate and life dared not tread.

The Fomorians were not mere creatures of flesh and bone but spirits of dread and destruction. They were the embodiment of the wild, untamed forces of nature, and they revealed in their dominion over the mortal world. Among them were beings like Bres, whose beauty belied his cruelty; Cethlenn, the harbinger of storms; and Tethra, the lord of the dead waters. They ruled with an iron fist, spreading fear and despair wherever their shadows fell.

Yet, among all the Fomorians, none were as feared or as revered as Balor. Known as the Warchief of the Fomorians, Balor was a towering giant, a living weapon of devastation. His most terrifying feature was his single, immense eye, hidden beneath a heavy lid. It was said that when this eye was opened, it unleashed a searing beam of destruction, capable of laying waste to entire armies and reducing landscapes to ashes. Balor’s gaze was death incarnate, a force of nature against which there was no defence.

The legend of Balor and his kin is one of power, rebellion, and inevitable fall. As the Fomorians’ reign of terror grew, so did the resistance against them. The Tuatha Dé Danann, a race of gods and heroes, rose to challenge their tyranny. The clash between these two mighty factions shook the very foundations of the world, culminating in the epic Battle of Mag Tuired. It was during this great conflict that Balor met his fate at the hands of his grandson, Lugh, a warrior of extraordinary prowess. With a well-aimed sling, Lugh pierced Balor’s destructive eye, bringing an end to his grandfather’s reign of terror.

Defeated but not destroyed, the Fomorians were banished to the underworld, the nether regions of the earth, and the dark depths of the ocean. It was said that they dwelled “under the worlds of men,” lurking in the shadows, plotting their return. Time passed, and their legend faded into myth, a cautionary tale of the ancient past.

But Balor was not one to be confined by mere legend. In the eternal darkness of the underworld, his rage festered, and his desire for vengeance grew. He was a personification of the scorching sun, a force of nature that could not be permanently subdued. And so, he waited, biding his time, searching for the key that would unlock the doors of his prison and unleash the Fomorians upon the world once more.

As the modern world moved forward, oblivious to the ancient menace lying in wait, Balor made a discovery that would change everything. He found a frequency, a resonance of power that could manipulate reality itself. With this frequency, he could shape-shift, travel across dimensions, and, most importantly, avoid the damaging effects of orgone, the life force energy used by his enemies.

The time of the Fomorians’ rise had come again. The world would soon remember the name of Balor, the Warchief, and tremble before the return of the Fomorians.


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