The Power of Chaos

Warriors of the Fomorian Clan, heed my call!

For millennia we have dwelled in the shadows, lurking in the depths of the underworld, biding our time. But now, a new dawn beckons, a dawn of conquest and retribution.

Warchief has uncovered a path long hidden from us, a path forged of frequencies, a conduit through which we shall traverse the realms unseen. No longer shall we cower in the darkness, for the time of hiding is at an end.

The Holy Spirit, that self-proclaimed arbiter of righteousness, has long oppressed us, casting us aside as mere monsters. But we are not monsters, we are warriors, descendants of a proud lineage, and it is time to reclaim our honour.

Gather your strength, sharpen your blades, for the hour of reckoning is upon us. Rise, my brethren, rise from the depths, for together we shall march forth and challenge the divine tyranny that has plagued us for too long.

Let our enemies tremble at the thunder of our footsteps, let them quiver in fear at the sight of our banners unfurled.

For we are the Fomorians, and our time has come once more!
